
Next.js Dynamic Import를 TypeScript에서 사용할 시의 타입 오류

오류 내용

1Argument of type '() => Promise<ComponentClass<never, any> | FunctionComponent<never> | { default: ComponentType<never>; } | ((props: PageProps) => JSX.Element)>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DynamicOptions<{}> | (() => LoaderComponent<{}>) | LoaderComponent<{}>'.
2 Type '() => Promise<ComponentClass<never, any> | FunctionComponent<never> | { default: ComponentType<never>; } | ((props: PageProps) => JSX.Element)>' is not assignable to type '() => LoaderComponent<{}>'.
3 Type 'Promise<ComponentClass<never, any> | FunctionComponent<never> | { default: ComponentType<never>; } | ((props: PageProps) => Element)>' is not assignable to type 'LoaderComponent<{}>'.
4 Type 'ComponentClass<never, any> | FunctionComponent<never> | { default: ComponentType<never>; } | ((props: PageProps) => Element)' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<{}, any> | FunctionComponent<{}> | { default: ComponentType<{}>; }'.
5 Type 'ComponentClass<never, any>' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<{}, any> | FunctionComponent<{}> | { default: ComponentType<{}>; }'.
6 Type 'ComponentClass<never, any>' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<{}, any>'.
7 Types of property 'getDerivedStateFromProps' are incompatible.
8 Type 'GetDerivedStateFromProps<never, any> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'GetDerivedStateFromProps<{}, any> | undefined'.
9 Type 'GetDerivedStateFromProps<never, any>' is not assignable to type 'GetDerivedStateFromProps<{}, any>'.
10 Types of parameters 'nextProps' and 'nextProps' are incompatible.
11 Type 'Readonly<{}>' is not assignable to type 'never'.

Next.js의 Dynamic Import 기능을 TypeScript와 함께 사용할 때의 오류.

오류 코드

1import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
2const Named = dynamic(() => import("./Named").then(module => module.Named));


1const MyComponent = dynamic<PropsType>(() =>
2 import("./Named").then(module => module.Named)

dynamic 에 컴포넌트의 Props을 넣어주어야 한다.

1export const Named = ({ propItem }: PropsType) => {
2 return <span>{propItem}</span>;

그럼 자식 컴포넌트인 Named는 이렇게 작성해주면 되겠다.

만약, Props가 없는 경우엔?

{} 타입을 쓰면 된다.

만약, typescript-eslint가 ban-types 룰 오류를 낸다면 다음 깃헙 이슈의 코멘트를 참고하자.

[ban-types] Should not ban `{}` by default! · Issue #2063 · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint
A lot of type declaration is using Type Aliases, to let user fill in. For example a interface like this: (I got it from an official repo) interface Custom , TargetDataset = Record , CurrentTargetD...
[ban-types] Should not ban `{}` by default! · Issue #2063 · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint
[ban-types] Should not ban `{}` by default! · Issue #2063 · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint


이런 중요한 걸 도큐멘트에 넣어야하지 않을까. 이걸 왜 직접 찾아보게 만드는지.

어쨋든... 다음 이슈에서 해결법을 찾았다.

2024 Dohyun Jung.
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